Friday, December 30, 2011

My 2012 resolution

2011 is another great year. In work, JiXian and Keli are both promoted to Section Manager (SM) overseeing CMP module. I am proud and happy of their achievement. Both are my first batch of engineers, fresh from university, and tasked under my responsibility. Both are my kids. It's a task almost impossible but we made it within 5 years. All this is cannot be achieved without trust and teamwork. Of course, with a lot of hardship, determination and persistence. For PengHwee and myself, we were transferred laterally to WET (Dec2011) and Dry Etch (Oct 2011) respectively, after making way for our new SMs. For myself, 7 years in YE/FA and 5 years in CMP have been very fulfilling and rewarding in my 12 years career. 2012 will be a new beginning in Dry Etch. This is a place where all the trouble reside as I was told. But I like challenges and want to make a positive impact in my new module. Wish me good luck in my new playground.

For my family, I am proud of the academic achievement from Filomena and Cordelia. Both came in 4th and 10th in school position respectively. My heartfelt congratulation for their achievement, with the credit to their hardwork; and of course Sarah's guidance and teaching. As a father, I want to play my role and influence in their moral and character building. And I need to lead by example. A good person is the ones with a good brain; and a loving and caring heart.

2012 will be the final year of the Buddhist study. I hope to pick up meditation. My mind is very restless and scattered. It's just like a television in the background that never turn off and goes blah blah blah. It's too disturbing. I need to tame my mind so as to stay focus and calm. I need a peaceful, cleared and fearless mind. Only then, my actions, thoughts and behavior will not harm anyone, including myself. Starting now and toward 2012, I need to love myself and be more forgiving to myself. Love and be love!

We spent 2 weeks exploring around Taiwan on our own in a car. It's a good experience for the family. We have a lot of fun and joy, with a lot of bonding within us. We're closer and stronger as a family. Initial fear and worry were unfounded. It's quite easy driving in Taiwan moving from one place to another with a GPS. Thinking is hard. Doing is easy. Just do it!

This year was my second SCM (Standard Chartered Marathon). I did it in 5hrs and 30mins for the 42KM run. An improvement from my previous record of 5hrs and 55mins. But fall short of my target of sub-5. Nevertheless, it's another milestone for me. If there is a will, there is a wave. Aim high. It's mind over matter. Impossible is just a word.

Looking forward to 2012, may all being be happy and healthy. And a peaceful world with no war and disaster. And more help and care to our mother earth whom is sick. 'Go green' and 'Go simple' will be the theme for 2012.

Goodbye 2011. And, hello 2012. It will be a tough year ahead with the poor economic outlook. But as the going get tough, the tough get going.

Cheers OKY

Friday, August 26, 2011

Singapore Presidential Election 2011 (PE2011)

I will vote for someone who choose to do the job for us! A person with high integrity and honesty to guard Singapore reserve. A person with the courage to say NO to something that is not good for Singapore.

I have decided whom I should vote. He is the man that will unify Singapore. The person with a great heart and compassionate love for all Singaporean.

Thx, OKY

Sunday, August 14, 2011

50% of our LIFE is made up of IF

We don't have to live till our last breath to appreciate this wisdom. For now, always cherish what you have and not trouble over what you don't have. And life will have less regret and less IF...

My 2 cents thought. OKY

The 5 Love languages (The secret to Love That Lasts)

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I just bought this book. I am looking forward to further enhancing my relationship with my wife Sarah and my two daughters, Filomena and Cordelia. Here's the gist. Cheers OKY

Words of Affirmation Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten
Quality Time In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says, “I love you,” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes your significant other feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed dates, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.
Receiving Gifts Don’t mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous—so would the absence of everyday gestures.
Acts of Service Can vacuuming the floors really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most want to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter.
Physical Touch This language isn’t all about the bedroom. A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, and thoughtful touches on the arm, shoulder, or face—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Standard Chartered Marathon 2011.

4th Dec 2011 is the Standard Chartered marathon 2011. 42.195 km race will kick off at 5am. It sounds insane to many for someone to pay $60 (early bird only) to torture themselves. But why I want to do it again?

My first race was in 2009. I trained pretty hard. But not good enough as I only ran for the first half and struggled very hard on my second half as the pain in my knee was killing me. It's a torture, especially under the scorching sun. And my body arched for the next few days. I experienced hell. My timing was 5 hrs 50 minutes. Not a bad timing for a first timer. The finishing medal made me proud as it's a race against myself. It's a race to prove the impossible is just a statement. It's mind over matter. For 2009, I won.

Next come 2010. I trained very hard. Regularly and diligently. I started as early as 4 months before the actual race. I lost 6kg from 76 to 70. My waist size shrunk from 33 to 29. I felt very good about my new, slimmed look and trimmed body, though some concerned colleagues, friends and neighbors thought that I have some health complication. I am quick to re-assure them that I am healthy and is a deliberated act to prepare for my marathon ran. (76 kg body is too heavy for the 42km race!) I was ready to cross the finishing line at under 5 hours. Unfortunately, I screwed it up and forgot to collect my race pack. In the end, I decided to gave it a go for 2010. For this stupidity, I lost in 2011 to my evil self. This mean it was a 1-1 draw. My only consolation was I felt very good about my new and healthy look. I looked younger. I am much more alert and confidence.

Finally, it's 2011. I am contemplating should I enroll this year as my knee problem is not getting any better. My heart said Yes but my evil brain said No. After some internal struggle, I signed it up on 6/24. One day after the registration was opened on 6/23. I guess the main motivation for me now is not running another Marathon. I have already done it. For now, it's more for my health. My training for 2011 marathon has started. This rigorous and regular training will keep me fit and strong. I am much more conscious of what goes into my body. Today, I swam 50 lapses in a swimming pool. In the midst of my swim, I have this sudden thought.

Staying healthy is being socially responsible and my basic responsibility to my family.

For 2011 SC marathon, I hope to drop my weigh further to 65 kg. And I want to do it under 5 hours. I am 39 year old now. I want to participate in as many marathon as my body can take it. One day, I hope to ran a marathon with my wife and two daughters, Filomena and Cordelia whom are 7 and 9 respectively. I'm looking forward to this day.

Cheers OKY

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Malaysia Kuantan June 2011

We travelled from Singapore to Pahang and Terengganu, together with Steven's family from 6/10 to 6/13. We drove a total of 1000km. Two nights stay at Impiana Resort Cherating and our third night in Hyatt Regency resort hotel in Kuantan. It's an educational trip for the kids, including the parents. We learnt a lot on the green turtle, firefly and batik painting. It's fun, adventurous and a lot of good quality time to bond with my two daughters. I look forward to our next family outing. Papa

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tales of the Buddha's former lives

There are a total of 100 short stories printed in 2 books*. The main purpose of the stories is to develop the moral and ethical values of the readers. It's in my hope that my girls will read these stories; and develop their knowledge and learn how to face the difficult experience of modern life.

"There is no better virtue than a heart of grand compassion;
There is no higher religion than the development of moral wisdom." - The Buddha

*(Edited by Ester Thien; Illustrated by Karen Chin).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My girls made us proud.

Yesterday was EDP mid-year meet-the-parent session. It only involved the lower primary classes. We met up with Cordelia's form teacher (Mrs Haris) and Chinese teacher (Mdm Lee Wei Ling) for class 1G. The school adopts the holistic teaching. It has eliminated the stressful examination. Instead the children has modular tests regularly. I am glad Cordelia is adapting well in the new environment. She did very well for all her school works. And it's so sweet to know that she is well liked by teachers and is popular among her peers. Three cheers to Cordelia.

For Filomena, there is no arrangement from the School for parent to meet up with teachers. We miss out an opportunity to interact with the teachers to understand the progress of Filomena. We're glad that Miss See (Wei Lin Anny, form teacher of class 3B) called up my wife personally to update our girl progress. This is a very good initiative and a good show of the form teacher's responsibility and interest in my kid development and growth. Three cheers to Anny.

This is Filomena's first seamster (SA1) examination. She has additional Science lesson. Besides the heavy school work, she has also taken up the ECA GuZheng. Private piano and swimming classes. Indeed a busy schedule but she has managed her time very well. We are very happy and proud of her for coming 4th in the class and 5th in the School level. She did us proud. Our heartfelt congratulation to her great achievement. We're very sure that with perseverance and diligence, she will maintain her good work and enjoy her sweetness of victory by the end of the year.

A job well done by Filomena and Cordelia. Keep up the good work. You made us proud. Three cheers.

Oh Papa.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Japan triple disasters in 2011

Japan was hit by a massive earthquake, and followed by a giant tsunami and a nuclear plant outbreak. Life was killed, family was destroyed and dream was shattered. The damage is overwhelming and beyond our imagination. With at least nine months to recover and restore normal life in Japan.

Fortunately, back in Singapore, life is as usual. Being born and live in Singapore is indeed a blessing. But most of the time, we've taken life for granted. We complained and made noise over many insignificant things/issues. We're not happy with our annual increment. We complain on slow or no promotion. We complain about the long work hour. The imbalance work-life. We hop from job to job. We back stab each other to get what we want in life or work. We always blame other but not ourself. We are not happy with this person or that thing. And the list of unhappiness will go on and on...

It's time to stop. Enough is enough. Have I created many unnecessary trouble and pain for myself and my family. It's really a sin to be troubled over many trivial thing in life and work, especially in current peace time.

I am glad and happy to be a Singaporean and living peacefully in this secured island, with my beloved family and friend. I wish good health and happiness for everyone. Cheers, OKY

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My mission statement

To develop the compassion and love for all mankind. And the wisdom to appreciate and accept life as it come. And the ability to make this world a better place for everyone, especially the less privileged and disadvantage. (KimYeow - 2011)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cordelia first day in Endeavour Primary School

Today, 4th January 2011, is a big day Cordelia look forward to. She is very excited and restless. It's her first school day in Endeavour, attending her Primary 1. She is in class 1G. Filomena also started her Primary 3, in class 3B. Both are thrown into a new area with new teacher. New classmates and new friends. I am glad that both are able to settle down fast and adapt to the new changes and new environment. We strongly believe that education change life. Myself is a living example. And it's our hope to give our kids the best education. But, we hope the kids acquire not just knowledge but also wisdom. Be socially responsible and a caring individual.

A primary school friend of mine offered me this piece of advice after my PSLE. "Hard work and determination is the key to success". It has already been deeply etched into my mind and has became my habit. And, on my first year in NTU, another friend offer me this wisdom. "The key to success is often the ability to adapt". Both have great impact and influence on me till today. I am grateful to them. Sharing my life experience is my hope that my kids can also benefit from this wisdom.

Cheers, OKY