Thursday, December 31, 2015

Golden jubilee.

Lee Kuan Yew 1923-2015

2015 is a golden jubilee year (50th Anniversary) for Singapore since our independence from Malaysia in 1965. While we enjoy the prosperity, racial harmony and security in this tiny red dot, let don't take what we have today for granted. It don't happen by chance and it's also wrong to assume that it'll stay this good forever. We must always fight for our survival! It's the sacrifice and hardwork of our visionary leader, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, our founding father. Without our first prime minister, there will be no Singapore! We must always remember our national hero whom passed away peacefully in March 23, 2015. We're glad that we made the right decision to bid him the final farewell. It's raining heavily across the island and we're all drenched while waiting for  the gun carriage to depart from the Parliament house. The kids never complain and we're moved when people calling out his name as the carriage went passed. We hoped they would remember this historic moment and share with their next generation and beyond. For a moment, Singapore came to a stop. While everyone mourned the passing of Mr. Lee, some are worried of Singapore's future without our guiding star. Many months have passed, Singapore is still standing tall and high. Again, we cannot attribute this to luck. This is the fruit of great successor plan from LKY. He is instrumental in grooming the next generation of leaders, regardless of their background. This is key to ensure a continuos prosperity of Singapore. I firmly believe that we would continue to progress if we always build on the meritocracy system that is developed by LKY. If we have the courage to dream big and work hard towards our goal, we're confident that every talent has the same opportunity to be successful in Singapore. Mr. Lee, we will always miss you and you will always stay in our heart. And thank you for providing us a wonderful place that we'll always be proud to call home. SG100 is a dream to be created and realised by this generation. We must come together as One People and One Singapore.

Obama aides ?
One year has passed, Filomena has done extremely well integrating into her new school and building her new circle of good friends (The GOOT squad). Learning a third language (French), picking up a new musical instrument (hand bell), staying late in the night to complete tons of school works/assignment, waking up very early in the morning, getting around in public transport, and making her own decision... This is a huge change and a big transition into a new world. There is pain, struggle and tear. And sometime helpless. It's OK. Most importantly, you've survived with your strong determination, handwork and perseverance. The family is always behind you. As the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Life will never get better, but you will get stronger with every good and not so good decision you've made in life. It's part of growing up and you will be alright. Everything you are comes from your choices. Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. It's also an remarkable year for Cordelia. Her handwork has paid off. She was first in class, second in level and best in Chinese. We've confidence and strong faith that Cordelia will continue to do well in her future endeavours. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Always stay calm and focus. Good luck in your PSLE. You will make it to your dream school. Fight for it. The choice is yours. Mama, JieJie and Papa will always love and support you. You're always our Kai Xin Guo. Stay happy. Stay healthy.

2014 top-3 PSLE in EPS 
Cordelia receiving prize awards

The year-end family vacation was in Hong Kong. We spent 11 days exploring HongKong and Macau, including HongKong's Disneyland, Ocean park, Victoria peak, Lantau island, Lamma Island and Cheung Chau. A good balance of the vibrant city and the tranquility of its country side. We've a great time, especially the kids who has the first chance to travel together with their cousins. Good food and great companionship. Upon reflection, it's indeed lucky to be Singaporean. We've a good public housing system and a much liveable living condition. Good job HDB! Clean environment. Clean water. Clean air. And lot of greenery. We salute Npark. We now appreciate the great effort by the Singapore government to build a garden city and raising the taxes to discourage cigarette smoking. In many HongKong's streets, we're always choked with cigarette smoke and occasional foul stench from the drain. And you hardly see any trees and greenery along the street in the city. Sometimes, we need to have more patience and understanding from occasional traffic jam along our expressway, whenever there is a tree pruning work. We can always live with the slight inconvenience while we continue to build and develop our city in the garden.     

Lantau island (Ngong Ping)

What!?. Cable car under maintenance.. 
With the re-organisation, I was redeployed from RDA to a new role as Technology Transfer/Uniformity in September. For my last 16 years with Micron Technology, I have been moving around from YE to CMP/Implant to Dry Etch to RDA and now to Technology Transfer & Uniformity (Edge Yield Enhancement). Indeed, change is permanent. It always take a lot of courage to move out of my comfort zones. But the excitement and the anticipation of a new experience will always keep you moving on. For me, it's always tough to move to a new area. But it's much tougher to leave behind a team that you've painstakingly built up and bonded together over time. And it always upset me. But again, new team will come with new synergy and collaboration. And, a new year come with many new hope. I look forward to more magic with the new TEAM (Together Everyone Achieve More). And also the forward looking F10X in construction. With the new added manufacturing capacity, Micron Singapore will be well position to take on the NAND war with our competitor. We will fight. And must fight very hard to ensure the continuous success of Micron in Singapore. Many livelihood is at stake. Three Cheers to F10!        
Uniformity/Transfer team.

18th Dec 2015 was the big day for Si Jie (Kris) and Bryan. The Chinese customary wedding, solemnisation and dinner banquet were held on the same day. I am so happy for both and is convinced that Bryan will take great care of her. We blessed them with eternal happiness and good health. It seem like yesterday when she was just a baby girl and every evening (while A-ma was preparing dinner) I had to rock her to sleep in the baby cot. It's not fun then as she was a light sleeper and would take forever to fall asleep. Now, she has grown up and is happily married. I can't help but thinking that in few years time, my darling girls will find their princes and would we be a lonely old couples then? Anyway, the future is not for us to see. As long as both are healthy and can find your happiness, we will be contended and happy for you. Thank you for giving us so much joy, fun and happiness. We love you now and forever. And we would always stand by you. Three cheers to a happy family.      
SiJie's wedding
ROM solemnisation

 Rare encounter in Ocean Park 
Panda in action!
Golden Monkey
Red Panda