Monday, December 27, 2021

Omicron !

COVID19 continues to disrupt life and businesses for 2 straight years. It has put a significant strain on the medical facility and a high fatality rate across the world. As more people in Singapore are vaccinated, the virus continues to mutate into Delta variant and recently Omicron variant. The latter seem to be more contagious but with lesser severity and hence lower fatality rate. As we entered into the endemic, we hope newer and better vaccine could be formulated soon and protect the human beings against the threat and danger of COVID. 

On 14th July 2021, we lost our beloved third aunty. For my mother, she lost her best friend, wonderful daughter, awesome neighbor and a trusted confidant. My third aunty is a kind-hearted woman whom always put family and others first. Over the years, she has been battling with cancer. She is a fighter and would never allow the disease to undermine the quality of her life. She remains positive, upbeat and continue to live her life to the fullest. I admire and salute her courage and her fighting spirit. She would always remain in our heart and memory for many years to come. 

Mother has also make her Last Will and Testament on 31st July 2021. She has decided to have equal distribution among five beneficiaries including her 4 children and the elder grandson. As her sole executor and trustee of her will, I would make sure that this is executed to her plan when the day has come.   

Filomena has done well in her 'A' level examination in 2020. She has enrolled into NUS Business School to begin her 4 years degree course. I am sure she would well in her study while she continue to expand and connect in her social circle and have a wonderful time in the Sheares Hall.  

Last but not least, been a wonderful year to be part of the development team to enable the 176 Tiers NAND to enable Micron as the Leadership in NAND Technology. Kudos to my great team for their innovation, tenacity and collaboration. With the positive and growth mindset, I am confident that we would overcome all the challenges in our new endeavor. For the Micron Singapore CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) , we have achieved many firsts in 2021. We have successfully organized the inaugural Micron Volunteering Month that rallied close to 15000 TMs to volunteer across Singapore and Taiwan sites. For the Charity Week 3.0, we incorporated Charity with Environment Sustainability. Micron Singapore partnered Npark One Million Tree Movement and collectively we raised sufficient fund for 620 trees ($300/tree). Micron is indeed a good corporate citizen, giving back to community to enrich life for all. The best has yet to come. Go Micron!      

Wishing all beings good health and happiness in 2022.  

The Last Will and Testament of my mother 

Our last respect and farewell to my third aunty


Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 = COVIB 19

Year 2020 was hit by COVID-19, a once in a hundred years pandemic that disrupted the world economic and literally changed every lifestyle and businesses. Home-base study for school student, Work From Home (WFH) for working adult, Social responsibility, Face mask, Safe distancing are few examples and measures that would soon be a new norm. With the vaccine developed and approved for public consumption, it offer us a glimpse of hope of a sure but slow recovery. 2021 would be a better year. May all be well. May all be happy.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Journey of a decade!

Year 2019 marked a decade milestone since I started writing my personal blog, to capture some important and interesting parts of my life-- both my family and career. As usual, this year came and passed in a flash but is definitely a busy and eventful year to remember.
Monday 0049hrs on 28th Oct 2019 (Lunar calendar of 1st Oct 2019) marked the death of my beloved father Oh Teck Hong (Death registration no: 305036Z) at the age of 85 (born in 1934). Papa passed away peacefully in Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (Singapore) in the presence of my mother, elder brother and sister-in-law. A quiet and humble man with a very simple lifestyle. A typical Asian father who didn't show much affection openly to his family nor communicate much to the kids. But his love and affection towards us is always strong and unquestionable. Since his stroke about 10 years ago, father lost his ability to walk and had been wheelchair-bound. We could understand his constant frustration due to his restricted mobility which took him many years to accept it. In May 2019, he was admitted to A&E hospital for a high fever and was diagnosed with stage 4 advanced colon cancer. We believed this is due to his prolonged confinement to wheelchair. The doctor managed to contain the stomach's infection, suspected from his ruptured colon. He survived for the next 5 months though the cancer has spread further to his liver and kidney at the later stage. The greatest relief was that he never experienced much discomfort nor pain. In his final 2 months, his health deteriorated drastically. He became physically weak, and complained about the lost of his right arm's strength. I started to feed him during my Saturday visits to the nursing home. The 2 weeks before his final day, he was admitted to hospital because he became very weak. In his final days, he refused to eat and drink. I believed he had enough of this suffering and decided to let go. On that fateful night, he passed away in his sleep. It's sad to lose him but it was undeniably a relief for him from these years of restricted movement and frustration. I am thankful that he didn't have go through much pain in his final stage. Farewell papa. Thank you for your unconditional love for the family. Even you're gone now, your memory is my safekeep which I would never part. Rest well in Kong Meng San Columbarium in KMSPK temple (
We're happy that Cordelia had the interest and courage to apply for the executive position in her CCA and was selected as the vice-chairperson of the Handbell Ensemble. Higher position came with higher responsibility and accountability, but definitely a good training to develop her management skill and leadership style. Go Cordelia! For her French immersion program, she went thru the interview selection and had the privilege to experience and explore 2 weeks of overseas life style in Brest, France in June summer. She attended CIEL, a French school and was hosted by retirees, Bernard and Helene. This was a good experience and training for her to be independent. Since then, I realized that she is willing to open up her social cycle and diversify her circle of friendship. Keep up the good work. Life would be tough and with all kind of shits and challenges. But it's truly this shit, the fertilizer, that build our steel's character and make us strong and stronger. Enjoy the journey of your life.
Filomena was able to step out of her comfort zone and joined the school water polo CCA in her year-5 (J1). It's tough mentally and physically with so many training sessions per week and never ending school work and projects. Sport offers her a good opportunity to appreciate the importance of teamwork and collaboration which is very importance for her future career. Filomena would soon be 18 coming Feb 2020 and legally an adult next year. She is a big girl now and must learn to take charge and be accountable for her life. I am glad that she has a better idea of what she want to pursue as a career. Borrowing a quote from Steve Job (Founder of Apple): "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 
Duffy the cockapoo, is our newly introduced family member. She was born on 30th April, 2019 (Year of Pig). We bought her when she was a 4 months old puppy. She is pretty and adorable; and everyone loves her. She brought us a lot of joy and happiness; and our lifestyle has now circled around her. In fact, there was so much anxiety when we have to leave her behind (under the care of Steven and Serene) while we take time to enjoy our annual family vacation to United Kingdom. We always miss our Darling Girl Duffy, especially Sarah whom showers her with lot of love and care. 
2019 is packed with events and celebration for Micron Singapore. I have the privilege to plan and organize F10A grand opening in August which was graced by deputy prime minister, Heng Swee Keat. Followed by the family's day, over that weekend (Saturday). Other pilot programs which the 'Recognition and Celebration' committee organized included 'May the Fourth'  to commemorate F10A first tool move-in on 4th May 2019; Culture Week to reinforce Micron Culture of Mission, Vision and Core values of PITCC (Perseverance, Innovation, Tenacity, Collaboration and Customer Focus). The year long celebration ended with a bang with the success of the F10 Manager Team building and our inaugural North Coast Ran and Jog. On 6th Nov 2019, Micron Singapore was selected as the top 10 Great Place To Work. In fact, we came in 9th position for the Medium to Large company. It's proud to be Micron and equally am humbled by the great support from my management team and team-members (TMs) to improve Micron Engagement Survey scoring from 68% (2019A) to 93% (2019B). Keep up the great work. Go ADTS PEE! Go Micron!
This year, the family decided to visit London and Scotland for our annual 2 weeks vacation, starting from 12/15 to 12/31. For the first 4 days in London, we visited St Paul's cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Chinatown in Leicester Square, Borough market, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square. Big Ben, London Eye, Notting Hill and enjoyed two Musical shows, namely Wicked and The Lion king. The remaining days was on a exciting and adventurous road trip around the highlands and Islands of Scotland. We visited Edinburg CastleSt Giles Cathedral, Forth Bridge, Invergarry Castle, Eilean Donan Castle, Isle of Skye (Old Man of Storr, Fairy Glen, Neistpoint Lighthouse, Fairy Pools), Urquhart Castle (Inverness), Aviemore (Cairngorm Mountain),  Pitlochry (Iron Suspension Bridge), St Andrews Cathedral, Stirling Castle, The Kelpies (Falkirk) ad finally Glasgow before taking our flight home. Annual vocation is always special and enjoyable. Everyone takes a break from the usual hectic schedule. Together we would visit a new places of interest. Experience a new culture. Explore the local food. Enjoy the cold seasonal weather. Most importantly, we would always spent 2 weeks of quality time together as a family. For next year, we might explore USA/Canada.
Mar shin lat 2019.

Farewell Papa
Duffy. The Doggo

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Köszönöm 2018

Thank you 2018! Indeed 2018 is one of the most eventful and fruitful year of my life.

Filomena have graduated from Raffles Girl Secondary (RGS) and will be promoted to year 5 in Raffles Junior College (RJC), starting a new chapter of her life. I believe RGS had prepared her well for the new challenges to come, both academically and socially. For the next 2 years, I hope that she can crystallise and develop the passion for what she wants to embark on for her future career. Quoting from Apple's founder, Steve Jobs: "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it, keep looking". I am glad that Filomena took initiative to work part time as a waitress at pscafe. This is a good exposure and training to develop her interpersonal and social skill which is very critical in current society. Enjoy the journey!

Cordelia has outgrown her sister, physically in height. She is a big girl now. She would be promoted to secondary three in 2019 at RGS. I hope she can take up the management role in the handbell CCA, to sharpen her leadership under the guidance of Mr Damien Lim (MOB). Don't hesitate! Opportunity would not come twice once you believe in it. Put in 100% of your energy and focus on achieving your goal/target. Life is too short to have any regret. Do it now! Seek the moment and chase after your dream. It's OK to try but fail. This is part of growing up as failure make us stronger. We would learn from our mistake, reflect upon it and become more resilient. The more we try, the luckier we would be in achieving what we want. Go Cordelia! A new world is awaiting you. Be happy. Be hungry. 

Thankful for the abundant of loving care and tenderness that Sarah has given to the family. She is the pillars and key enablers behind our achievement and success. Can't imagine life without this wonderful lady. With the kids growing up and being more independent now, it's probably the right time for Sarah to ponder on doing something for herself. It can be picking up a new hobby or attending some course/training to enrich your life. Do whatever you like and love. We would always support you.

I am equally thankful that Papa and mama are healthy. I always look forward to the weekend gathering with both of them, though I wish to spend more time with them. I am thankful to Vanguard healthcare for taking good care of papa and keeping him engaged and involved in numerous indoor and outdoor activities/program to enrich his life, as well as to Sg Enable for the initiative to actively engage the seniors with meaningful program and activities. Salute to the volunteers and heroes for the unwavering support to the seniors' well being. Good job! Hoping mama could continue to be mobile and active.

I joined TECH in Oct 1999 as a fresh graduate from NTU (Singapore). In 2011, TECH Semiconductor Singapore Pte. Ltd was acquired by Micron Semiconductor Asia Pte. Ltd. This year in 2018 marks my 19th with Micron. Last 2 decades had been a wonderful journey with great memories. I started out as Failure Analysis Engineer under Yield Enhancement from 1999 to 2005. When an opportunity arrived, with the 200mm to 300mm conversion on-the-fly, I decided to join the 300mm manufacturing FAB environment under CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) for another 6 years. Between 2012 and 2015, I was transferred to Dry Etch module. The first part of this module was on Process Engineering and the second part was on MFG (Operation and Equipment group). With the formation of Mega FAB (F10W and F10N combined) in 2015, I was tasked to lead the RDA team for the first year and then move on to lead both the new Region_E (Wafer's edge) and Technology Transfer. In Sept 2018, I was given an opportunity to promote from Snr Manager to Director to lead the ADTS PEE team. 20 years in Memories industry didn't make my life easier. Instead, it made me stronger with multiple opportunities to learn and grow. All these cannot be done without resilience, tenacity, hard work and patience. I am thankful of the mentorship and coaching from the executive team. I am thankful of the many opportunities given to me to discover and maximise my potential. I am also thankful of the trust and support from the management team and my peers. I believe that I have a great team, and together we would create a better future for Micron.  Go Micron!

For our annual 2 weeks family vocation, my family and I decided to explore Eastern Europe. Our adventures started from Prague to Český Krumlov in Czech Republic. We also travelled to Salzburg, Hallstat and Vienna in Austria as well as Budapest in Hungary. It had been a great experience and a good time for the family to spend 2 weeks of quality time together. We hope to carry on with this annual tradition for many years to come. Three cheers to 2018!

Financially, beside the maximising the SRS and CPF Special, Sarah and myself have started purchasing monthly STI ETF (thru DBS Niko) and Temasek Bond. I believe this is a small and right step to build up our retirement fund in our golden years. Signing off 2018, we look forward to 2019 for another great adventure. May all be well. May all be happy.

Viszlát és sok szerencsét (Goodbye and Good luck)

Charles Bridge is a historic bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century
Charles Bridge, Prague
Prague Castle is a castle complex in Prague, Czech Republic, dating from the 9th century. It is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic. The castle was a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents of Czechoslovakia

Prague castle

The Prague Astronomical Clock, or Prague Orloj, is a medieval astronomical clock located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still operating.

Astronomical Clock
Old Town Square is a historic square in the Old Town quarter of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. It is located between Wenceslas Square and Charles Bridge.
Old Town Square
Lennon Wall

Český Krumlov:
Český Krumlov Castle is a castle located in the city of Český Krumlov in the Czech Republic. It dates back to 1240 when the first castle was built by the Witigonen family, the main branch of the powerful Rosenberg family.

Cesky Krumlov castle

The Széchenyi Chain Bridge is a suspension bridge that spans the River Danube between Buda and Pest, the western and eastern sides of Budapest, the capital of Hungary
Chain Bridge, Budapest Hungary
Buda Castle is the historical castle and palace complex of the Hungarian kings in Budapest. It was first completed in 1265, but the massive Baroque palace today occupying most of the site was built between 1749 and 1769. The complex in the past was referred to as either the Royal Palace or the Royal Castle.

Buda Castle, Budapest Hungary
The Hungarian Parliament Building, also known as the Parliament of Budapest after its location, is the seat of the National Assembly of Hungary, a notable landmark of Hungary and a popular tourist destination in Budapest. It lies in Lajos Kossuth Square, on the bank of the Danube
Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest Hungary
The Liberty Statue or Freedom Statue (Hungarian: Szabadság-szobor [ˈsɒbɒtt͡ʃaːɡ ˈsobor]) is a monument on the Gellért Hill in Budapest, Hungary. It commemorates those who sacrificed their lives for the independence, freedom, and prosperity of Hungary.
Liberty Status
 The Halászbástya or Fisherman's Bastion is a terrace in neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque style situated on the Buda bank of the Danube, on the Castle hill in Budapest, around Matthias Church. It was designed and built between 1895 and 1902 on the plans of Frigyes Schulek

Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest Hungary
The Shoes on the Danube Bank is a memorial in Budapest, Hungary. Conceived by film director Can Togay, he created it on the east bank of the Danube River with sculptor Gyula Pauer to honour the Jews who were killed by fascist Arrow Cross militiamen in Budapest during World War II.
Shoes on the Danube Bank, Budapest Hungary
The Great Market Hall or Central Market Hall (Hungarian "Nagyvásárcsarnok") is the largest and oldest indoor market in Budapest, Hungary. The idea of building such large market hall arose from the first mayor of Budapest, Károly Kamermayer, and it was his largest investment. He retired in 1896 so when the building was completed, he participated in the opening ceremony as a citizen.
Great market hall, Budapest Hungary

The Belvedere is a historic building complex in Vienna, Austria, consisting of two Baroque palaces, the Orangery, and the Palace Stables. The buildings are set in a Baroque park landscape in the third district of the city, on the south-eastern edge of its centre. It houses the Belvedere museum.
Belvedere Palace, Vienna Austria 
The Hofburg is the former principal imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty rulers and today serves as the official residence and workplace of the President of Austria. It is located in the center of Vienna and was built in the 13th century and expanded several times afterwards


St. Stephen's Cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna and the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, OP.
Stephansplatz, Vienna Austria

Hohensalzburg Fortress sits atop the Festungsberg, a small hill in the Austrian city of Salzburg. Erected at the behest of the Prince-Archbishops of Salzburg with a length of 250 m and a width of 150 m, it is one of the largest medieval castles in Europe. Hohensalzburg Fortress is situated at an altitude of 506 m.

Hohensalzburg Fortress

Salzburg Zoo, also referred to as Tiergarten Hellbrunn, is a zoo in Salzburg, Salzburgerland, Austria

Mozart's birthplace was the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart at No. 9 Getreidegasse in Salzburg, Austria. The Mozart family resided on the third floor from 1747 to 1773. Mozart himself was born here on 27 January 1756. He was the seventh child of Leopold Mozart, who was a musician of the Salzburg Royal Chamber.

Mozart's birthplace

Hallstatt is a village on Lake Hallstatt's western shore in Austria's mountainous Salzkammergut region. Its 16th-century Alpine houses and alleyways are home to cafes and shops. A funicular railway connects to Salzwelten, an ancient salt mine with a subterranean salt lake, and to Skywalk Hallstatt viewing platform.
Hallstatt's lake

Ah Kong 75th Birthday Celebration (1/1/2018)
ADTS PEE Team building (12/21/2018)
Go Micron!