Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Journey of a decade!

Year 2019 marked a decade milestone since I started writing my personal blog, to capture some important and interesting parts of my life-- both my family and career. As usual, this year came and passed in a flash but is definitely a busy and eventful year to remember.
Monday 0049hrs on 28th Oct 2019 (Lunar calendar of 1st Oct 2019) marked the death of my beloved father Oh Teck Hong (Death registration no: 305036Z) at the age of 85 (born in 1934). Papa passed away peacefully in Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (Singapore) in the presence of my mother, elder brother and sister-in-law. A quiet and humble man with a very simple lifestyle. A typical Asian father who didn't show much affection openly to his family nor communicate much to the kids. But his love and affection towards us is always strong and unquestionable. Since his stroke about 10 years ago, father lost his ability to walk and had been wheelchair-bound. We could understand his constant frustration due to his restricted mobility which took him many years to accept it. In May 2019, he was admitted to A&E hospital for a high fever and was diagnosed with stage 4 advanced colon cancer. We believed this is due to his prolonged confinement to wheelchair. The doctor managed to contain the stomach's infection, suspected from his ruptured colon. He survived for the next 5 months though the cancer has spread further to his liver and kidney at the later stage. The greatest relief was that he never experienced much discomfort nor pain. In his final 2 months, his health deteriorated drastically. He became physically weak, and complained about the lost of his right arm's strength. I started to feed him during my Saturday visits to the nursing home. The 2 weeks before his final day, he was admitted to hospital because he became very weak. In his final days, he refused to eat and drink. I believed he had enough of this suffering and decided to let go. On that fateful night, he passed away in his sleep. It's sad to lose him but it was undeniably a relief for him from these years of restricted movement and frustration. I am thankful that he didn't have go through much pain in his final stage. Farewell papa. Thank you for your unconditional love for the family. Even you're gone now, your memory is my safekeep which I would never part. Rest well in Kong Meng San Columbarium in KMSPK temple (https://www.kmspks.org/)
We're happy that Cordelia had the interest and courage to apply for the executive position in her CCA and was selected as the vice-chairperson of the Handbell Ensemble. Higher position came with higher responsibility and accountability, but definitely a good training to develop her management skill and leadership style. Go Cordelia! For her French immersion program, she went thru the interview selection and had the privilege to experience and explore 2 weeks of overseas life style in Brest, France in June summer. She attended CIEL, a French school and was hosted by retirees, Bernard and Helene. This was a good experience and training for her to be independent. Since then, I realized that she is willing to open up her social cycle and diversify her circle of friendship. Keep up the good work. Life would be tough and with all kind of shits and challenges. But it's truly this shit, the fertilizer, that build our steel's character and make us strong and stronger. Enjoy the journey of your life.
Filomena was able to step out of her comfort zone and joined the school water polo CCA in her year-5 (J1). It's tough mentally and physically with so many training sessions per week and never ending school work and projects. Sport offers her a good opportunity to appreciate the importance of teamwork and collaboration which is very importance for her future career. Filomena would soon be 18 coming Feb 2020 and legally an adult next year. She is a big girl now and must learn to take charge and be accountable for her life. I am glad that she has a better idea of what she want to pursue as a career. Borrowing a quote from Steve Job (Founder of Apple): "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 
Duffy the cockapoo, is our newly introduced family member. She was born on 30th April, 2019 (Year of Pig). We bought her when she was a 4 months old puppy. She is pretty and adorable; and everyone loves her. She brought us a lot of joy and happiness; and our lifestyle has now circled around her. In fact, there was so much anxiety when we have to leave her behind (under the care of Steven and Serene) while we take time to enjoy our annual family vacation to United Kingdom. We always miss our Darling Girl Duffy, especially Sarah whom showers her with lot of love and care. 
2019 is packed with events and celebration for Micron Singapore. I have the privilege to plan and organize F10A grand opening in August which was graced by deputy prime minister, Heng Swee Keat. Followed by the family's day, over that weekend (Saturday). Other pilot programs which the 'Recognition and Celebration' committee organized included 'May the Fourth'  to commemorate F10A first tool move-in on 4th May 2019; Culture Week to reinforce Micron Culture of Mission, Vision and Core values of PITCC (Perseverance, Innovation, Tenacity, Collaboration and Customer Focus). The year long celebration ended with a bang with the success of the F10 Manager Team building and our inaugural North Coast Ran and Jog. On 6th Nov 2019, Micron Singapore was selected as the top 10 Great Place To Work. In fact, we came in 9th position for the Medium to Large company. It's proud to be Micron and equally am humbled by the great support from my management team and team-members (TMs) to improve Micron Engagement Survey scoring from 68% (2019A) to 93% (2019B). Keep up the great work. Go ADTS PEE! Go Micron!
This year, the family decided to visit London and Scotland for our annual 2 weeks vacation, starting from 12/15 to 12/31. For the first 4 days in London, we visited St Paul's cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Chinatown in Leicester Square, Borough market, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square. Big Ben, London Eye, Notting Hill and enjoyed two Musical shows, namely Wicked and The Lion king. The remaining days was on a exciting and adventurous road trip around the highlands and Islands of Scotland. We visited Edinburg CastleSt Giles Cathedral, Forth Bridge, Invergarry Castle, Eilean Donan Castle, Isle of Skye (Old Man of Storr, Fairy Glen, Neistpoint Lighthouse, Fairy Pools), Urquhart Castle (Inverness), Aviemore (Cairngorm Mountain),  Pitlochry (Iron Suspension Bridge), St Andrews Cathedral, Stirling Castle, The Kelpies (Falkirk) ad finally Glasgow before taking our flight home. Annual vocation is always special and enjoyable. Everyone takes a break from the usual hectic schedule. Together we would visit a new places of interest. Experience a new culture. Explore the local food. Enjoy the cold seasonal weather. Most importantly, we would always spent 2 weeks of quality time together as a family. For next year, we might explore USA/Canada.
Mar shin lat 2019.

Farewell Papa
Duffy. The Doggo

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