Sunday, June 13, 2010

A bicycle lesson

Few nights ago, my elder daughter, Filomena, excitedly shared with me her cycling experience. She has managed to cycle without the training wheels on Amanda's bicycle. A much smaller bicycle compare to hers. To leverage on her excitement and achievement, we decided to remove the training wheels from her bicycle today. With little guidance, she managed to cycle independently around the park. With more practice, she managed to maneuver her way thru every corners and turns confidently. I'm so proud of her. Same for my younger daughter, Cordelia, we managed to convince her that she can do it as well. she made a significant progress today. With a few more attempts, I'm pretty sure she will do just as good as Filomena.

For a moment, I try to reflect the sudden change in their attitude, desire and courage to 're-visit' the bicycle challenge. I've been trying my best to convince them that it's very simple and they can do it. But they never buy my ideas. Sometime, both got very agitated when I press too hard. Why now? I don't know.. But I concluded that people will only put in effort to do something that they've a strong will, confidence and desire to succeed. Mentally they must be convinced that they're ready and they want to do it. It doesn't matter if the father think that they're ready. I recalled what my boss, TeckMeng, once told me. Do our engineers think that they're as good as we position them. Any mismatch is a total failure on our part. They're never ready if they don't think they are. Hence, communication and alignment of expectation become part of the continual development program for my engineers.

Thx, OKY

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