Wednesday, January 1, 2014

An fulfilling 2013. And a forward looking 2014.

Effective May'13, I was selected and promoted to lead Micron F7 Dry Etch Manufacturing team. Overseeing both Production (Operation) and Equipment. Three rounds of intensive interviews were mentally draining. Nevertheless, it's a crucial and valuable lifelong experience. And another turning point in my life. I am very thankful of the given opportunity and the blessing from Beng Chea. Though I don't have manufacturing background, but he and the panel believed that my courage and creativity will enable more breakthrough in etch. 6 months have passed. Etch Engineering and Manufacturing are much integrated now. Team work is stronger. Collaboration and synergy are higher. Trust is established and goals are aligned. Now, we breath, talk and dream as One Etch family. Together as One team, we have achieved and accomplished more. I am proud that the team has successfully improved the module cycle time from previously 5-6 days to 2.5 days now. It's an goal that seen almost impossible from the start. What an outstanding performance! What an amazing team! F7 Etch Bravo.    

Looking back to September  2011, I was asked to join Dry Etch engineering team reporting to Sock Cheng. At that time, my main motivation is to ensure Ji Xian can be promoted and took over my CMP role. It did. But now, it's became apparent that the decision benefited myself just as much. Without this valuable and relevant experience from dry etch engineering team, I will not stand a chance for promotion this year. Connecting all the little dots to 2006, my career in Micron started to take off when I have decided to move out of FA Lab, out of my comfort zone, and started afresh in the FAB. First in 300mm CMP, next to ADT CMP/IMPLANT, and finally to 300mm Dry Etch. It's an incredible journey, although there was frustration, struggle and tear along the way. But I've never looked back! With lot of handwork, determination and positive mindset, I am glad that step by step, I am progressing steadily. Having said that, I am also very lucky to meet with many good people. Showering me with care and support.  Coaching and guiding me. Trusting me. And being so patient with me. There are so many such wonderful angels in my life, but Lip Wee and Sock Cheng are most special. I will never forget your kindness. And all the unconditional help. A very big Thank You!

To sum up my career life. Move out of the comfort zone. Burned your bridge and never look back. Seek every opportunity to learn and contribute. Help someone. Their career is as important as yours. Give your service or time. Do you best and be your best. You might not win the world. But you will win many hearths. And your journey will be both fulfilling and rewarding.  

The Big Rocks celebration. It's an initiative by Wayne to celebrate MSA achievement in Micron Transformation program. I was appointed the chairman for F7 organising committee. Overseeing the recruitment of team members, to budget planning and control, sourcing and engagement of supplier and event planner, and brainstorming of activities and program. It's amazing that so much can be done and accomplished within a very tight schedule and budget when you formed a great team for one simple and common goal. To have fun, fun, fun. We've a great party. The turn out was good.  The program was very well received by both team members and top management. Good job to F7 committee. You guys rock!

I never imagine that I would have done any team building program prior to joining the FAB, under 300mm PEE department. I never realised that I have such talent and potential in organising team building program. And it started with small program within my area to larger department and finally company wide program. As it's an extra assignment outside your usual responsibility, it's always shunned by many as it involved lot of commitment, time and effort. Soon I realised that these 'dirty' job is indirectly enlarging my presence and radar among the management team. It soon became visible that you have the capacity to do more. Your have the courage to try new thing. The creativity to do more with less. The ability to bring together a team to accomplish goal. The capability to engage and influence external parties. These 'merit' will not be very visible if I will be focus solely on engineering stuff. What started of as a dirty job has turned out to enlarge my visibility which I believed has helped a lot in my career development. Always be positive, transform all SHIT into your fertiliser that make you stronger, better and wiser. Look far and start building up your emotional bank.

Japan tour. It's an annual travel time for the family. We spent 2 weeks exploring central Japan on rail. It's a fantastic trip and anyone have a great time. We love Japan. The culture, the people, the food and the scenery, the weather. The snow in Takayama came unexpectedly. The kids loved it and managed to build a snow man! It's a a sweet and pleasant surprise for everyone. We will be back!

The kids has continued to do very well in School. Glad that they have put in a lot of effort and seeking every opportunity to learn and excel in and outside School. Three cheers to endeavour. And all the credit to Mummy for mentoring and coaching the young girls. For the coming year, Filomena will be taking her PSLE. It'll be a crucial year for her. I am confident that she will do well. Set a goal. Aim high. Plan ahead and work hard towards achieving this goal. With strong determination and hard work, dream will come true. Have faith in yourself. You can do it. If there is a will, there is a wave. Just do it!

3 steps and 1 bow on Vesak day. This has been a yearly event that I look forward to. I hope to continue   it year after year. This year is special. I was accompanied by my mother. It's extra sweet to accomplish this milestone together. It's a step to bring Buddhism closer to her. May you be well. May you be happy.

2014 resolution. It's time to look into investment so as to make my money work hard for me and hopefully financial security for my family in long ran. Will focus on long term investment. Time to re-activate my PEOM account. Will continue on personal development and improvement. Read more. Will continue to conquer another Marathon. Start early. Ran now. Make time for family. Plan ahead. Be presence. Give back to Society. Lent a helping hand. Volunteer your time and service. Wishing Peace and Harmony in this world. May all being be happy. May all being be well. Signing off 2013… Cheers OKY

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