Saturday, December 31, 2016

Au revoir 2016

What would 44, 40, 14 and 12 added up to? Yes, 110! But it also marked the end of 2016. Coming 2017, Filomena would be promoted from Secondary 2 to 3 while Cordelia will transit from Primary to Secondary school. It would start another new chapter of their new world. There would be new challenges and many unknowns ahead. But the future is not for us to worry. Give your best, do your best and enjoy the journey of growing up. Teenagers time is the best part of your life with many new discovery and learning. Explore the world. Make new friend. Learn a new language. Master a skill or two. Travel around the world. Appreciate the different culture and tradition. I am very sure both would do well in life. And remember to give back to society. Give your time and help those less fortunate. Volunteer and plan your time for charity work. It'll spice up your life. Start now and make it a part of your life. Take charge of your life and add colour to it. These sweet memory will stay with you forever. End of the day, what you want people to remember you when you grow old one day?
Jungfrau, top of Europe
I am very glad that both are adapting fast and doing well academically and socially. Big credit to Sarah. Her patience, guidance to the girls and abundant of care and love to the family. You've made a big sacrifice for this family. Thank you very much. We love you. Stay happy. Stay healthy.
Filomena has done well academically and socially. Most importantly, she is opening up to new things, taking up bigger role and responsibility in her CCA and expanding her social circle. We're so proud of her. She is a big girl now and soon she would be 15. She survived her 3 weeks of Chinese language immersion program in Taiwan, KinMen. We're worried initially as she never leave our sight since birth. I guessed when we're thrown into a new situation or environment, we'll adapt fast and survive. Leave your comfort zones. Explore the unexplored territory. Burn the bridge. As quoted from Andre Gide, 'Men cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore'. Happy exploring, but within the boundary of legal and nature. What's illegal and non natural is not right! And be responsible and accountable to yourself. You live your life. Make it the most beautiful ones. Your happiness is our comfort and joy. We love you.
KinMen 2016 immersion program
Our dearest Mei Mei did exceptionally well for her PSLE. She scored 273 with 4 A-stars. We're so proud of her academic achievement. Her handwork, determination and perseverance are key to her success. Keep it up. The success of your PSLE do not guarantee the success in your secondary study and beyond. You need to continue work hard and chase after your dream. Think big and have the courage to pursue your goal. You have unlimited potential to do great thing and deed. Believe in yourself and have faith that you can do great thing. You're the best. Chase after your rainbow. The world belongs to those who dare to dream and explore. And remember to be kind, considerate and compassionate to others. In thought, word and action. Give time and attention to brighten someone life, especially those less privilege and fortunate. Spread your wings and soar through the sky. Papa and mama would always stand by you. We're always our Kai Xin Guo.  
First in class and level. Well done!
Mandarin teacher, Mdm Chen
Favourite form teacher, Mr Kamsari 
This year we decided to explore Europe. And we settled for Switzerland and France, Paris. The journey started on 12/06 to 12/18. Just one day after Filomena returned from Taiwan. We arrived in Zurich airport on 7th Dec'16 and immediately took a train to Lucerne. This is the start of our 8 days road trip in Switzerland. For the next two days we visited Mount Rigi, Mount Titlis and of course the Chapel bridge and Lion monument in Lucerne. Next we moved to Interlaken. We visited Jungfrau, top of Europe and Bernese highlands. And finally, we moved on to Lausanne. Home to the international Olympic committee headquarter. We visited Chillion Castle, The Cheese factory (La Maison Du Gruyere) and La Maison Cailler Chocolate factory. On 13th Dec, we parked and headed to Paris. The scenic train journey ride took us 4 hours. In  Paris, we visited Notre-Dame Cathedral, Saint chapelle, Luxembourg garden, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Sacre-Coeur Basilica, Louvre Museum and of course feasting on the France cuisine. Hopefully this trip to Paris has helped Filomena and Cordelia to appreciate France culture and French which is their third language study in RGS. "One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way" - Frank Smith.

The not so good thing of 2016. My fourth uncle and 2nd aunty passed away back to back. I've witnessed one of the saddest moment in my mother's life. I hope she is coping well and moving on in life. But, each time when I looked into my mother's eye, I wonder how much more time would we spend together. I love her and want her to be happy and healthy. I am proud of her as she made me what I am today. I really hope that I have made her proud of me.

Looking forward to 2017, I wish peace in the world and abundant of joy and happiness. For the next few years, I hope to explore opportunity in social work. It's time to volunteer time for charity and pay back to the society.

Goodbye 2016 and hello 2017.

Chillion Castle
Mount Rigi
Mount Titlis
Lucerne lake
Lion monument of Lucerne

Cheese factory
Luxembourg garden
Eiffel Tower
Arc de Triomphe
Sacre-Coeur Basilica
Notre- Dame Cathedral
Gare de Lyon

Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum

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