Friday, August 20, 2010

There is Miracle!

Base on Wikipedia, A Miracle is often considered a fortuitous event: compare with an Act of God. In casual usage, "miracle" may also refer to any statistically unlikely but beneficial event, or simply a "wonderful" occurrence...

For me, I witnessed a Miracle today. I got a very strong feeling. An indescribable happiness that I've never experience in my life. It gave me so much excitement and joy when LipWee (Process Director) sent me a message that Nanda was promoted to Senior Engineer today.
I don't remember such happiness when I was promoted to section manager few years back. Today feeling is 10 times stronger.

Nanda was originally from PRD/YA, where I started in TECH too. He decided to join FAB/CMP and entrusted his future on me. I felt honor that he has such faith and trust in me. I do confess that I felt pressurized with this new commitment towards him. Nanda's rating from YA for the past years was 2. To be promoted to the next level, current system requires 2 years of rating 1. It's near impossible to fulfill his desire for SE promotion in this September though I do agree that he's exceeded my expectation. And worse of all, he just join CMP in March. I've a talk with LipWee to discuss the possibility of moving him to SE this year. We've a serious but opened discussion. I can sense his strong desire to help Nanda but it seen at that time, he's still clueless. And he confessed that he has only 10% chance to fight this case which he has no intention to do so. It saddened me. We finally agreed that the best way is to motivate him is thru monetary reward. I'm convinced but I'm worried that time is running out as fast as Nanda's patience. But Nanda's is awesome. I want to keep him. He is an asset to CMP and TECH as a whole. Soon Nanda's hope and confidence started to fade. The thought of my helplessness towards Nanda hurt me. I started to question if I did the right thing to convince him to stay in TECH and join CMP...

The only things that I can do was talking to him more frequently. Giving him the assurance that thing is moving in the right direction and his career is under the good hand of LipWee. But, do reduce our expectation now. Instead, look forward to early next year for his promotion, which the chances is much higher. Week after week, hope started to diminish but disappointment and frustration started to burn. I felt helpless. I only hope for more time and patience from Nanda. I think he can sense my helplessness. But this is not helpful. It only deepen his disappointment. And worse of all, all other CMP SM don't share my sentiment. It's very painful.

Just as thing seen to go south, miracle happened today when LipWee sent this news of Nanda's promotion. The feeling is great, especially when it's out of everyone's expectation. My effort to come out with the write-up for Nanda yester-night paid off. He questioned me if there is any value of my write up for him. 'Do you think it'll help", I recalled. My reply was a big 'Yes'. At least, I want to show him that I care about him and is serious of his career's growth.

To Nanda, LipWee is god. To me, he's a superman that can change and touch life. Lip Wee is a simple man with very strong character. He don't give up on anything or anyone. Though many conversion with him, I only realized his first priority is on people development. And not the probe yield that I always assumed. Today, I'm convinced. He has touched and won two hearts. This special moment and feeling will remain with me forever...

With JiXian, PeiLing and Keli promotion to Senior Engineer within this year, I have achieved my objectives. My goal in 2010 is met. It's awesome that Nanda can be officially recognized and promoted this September too. It's a fat bonus for me. I'm very happy as a free man. My duty in TECH has completed. And, I guess I've also over stay in TECH after 11 years. It's time to move on with new life challenge. As of now, I still don't know where will I head to when 2011 come. I just have to try my best, be my best and do my best. But for 2010, I hope I have touched and won someone life. Just like what LipWee did to me. Thank you LipWee for showing me a life's miracle.

Cheers OKY

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